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Sharron Fickling

Sharron Fickling Chatman is a passionate advocate for HIV awareness and prevention.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, and shaped by experiences in South Carolina, Savannah, Georgia, and Atlanta, Georgia, Sharron has been a beacon of strength for others since her HIV diagnosis in 1986. With an unwavering commitment to HIV advocacy, Sharron has held pivotal roles in the community.

As the chairperson of the Long-Term Survivors Group and a board member of SisterLove, she has played a crucial role in supporting and empowering those affected by HIV. Sharon’s unwavering commitment is evident in her positions as a certified drug abuse counselor, HIV counselor, and peer health educator, emphasizing the comprehensive perspective crucial for addressing the complexities of HIV challenges. Her involvement with organizations like AAOI and membership in Positive Women’s Network (PWN) reflect Sharron’s broad impact and collaborative spirit within the HIV advocacy landscape.

Further, as a voter on the Ryan White program, Sharron has contributed to shaping policies that address the unique needs of individuals living with HIV. Sharron’s journey exemplifies resilience, compassion, and tireless advocacy in the pursuit of a world free from the stigma of HIV.

Sharron Fickling
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