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Alesia McPhaul

Born and raised in Miami, Alesia McPaul is a founding member of Care Resource, one of the largest HIV Service Organizations in Florida.

She is currently an Intervention Counselor at Empower U located in the community of Liberty City. Diagnosed in 1994, she has received many awards and recognition for her advocacy and work in the community. In addition to being an Intervention Counselor, Alesia is also a Treatment Center 12 Steps Facilitator, a consultant for grassroots organizations in the health field, and a wellness coordinator for her place of worship. Known as a courageous trailblazer and trusted community leader, Alesia believes God has entrusted her to take on a myriad of responsibilities that help others.

A widow, with no children, she dotes on her fur babies with love and devotion. When asked to describe what she does, Alesia proclaimed, “I am who I serve unapologetically.”

Alesia McPhaul
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